Truy Cập Giá Tiêu Chuẩn Sản Phẩm

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Restrict access to product's Cost field

Cam kết 30 ngày hoàn tiền
Miễn phí Giao hàng tại VN.
Mua ngay, nhận trong 2 days

What it does

  • By default, users who are authorized to view Products can see the Cost field on the Product form view.
  • However, that information should not be shared to all users, because it also affects the pricing policy and business strategy of the Enterprise.
  • The `to_product_standard_price_access` module will restrict users from accessing the product's Cost field.

Key Features

  • This module creates a new access group named "Product Standard Price Access" and grants the group access to the field Cost on the product form & tree view.
  • In other words, after installing this module, only users that are granted into the group "Product Standard Price Access" can see the Cost field on the product form & tree view.

Supported Editions

  1. Community Edition
  2. Enterprise Edition