Leo Tran Sales Published: 5/16/20 Hits: 693

To manage alerts on customers, you can install the warning module. Once that is installed, you will be able to configure a series of alerts on the customers by setting parameters in the new Warnings tab on the form. You can select any of the following types of warnings and create different warnings for purchases and for sales:

  • No Message: This option will not display a message.
  • Warning: This option will show the user the message entered.
  • Blocking Message: The message displayed will cause an exception and block the workflow.

You can activate alerts for a series of events. For each alert, you should enter a message that will be displayed when the event concerned is started.

warning partner

Example Alert on Customer Agrolait

The available warnings in the customer form are:

  • Create a warning for a sales order,
  • Create a warning for a purchase order,
  • Create a warning for a delivery to a partner (or receiving an item),
  • Create a warning when invoicing a partner.

From above example, you enter an alert for the sale order of a customer, so alert will be appear when sale order will be created for that customer, the alert message will be attached as shown in the following figure.

warning sample 

Alert from Sale Order of a Customer

Now when could you use such an alert? Suppose that your customer asks you to never make any deliveries on Tuesday morning, because the street is blocked due to a weekly market. You surely would like your transporter to be aware of this, so it could be useful to have a kind of message printed by default on each delivery order for this customer. To do this, you could create a Warning on the Picking in the Customer form of the partner concerned, saying that no deliveries are allowed on Tuesday morning.