Leo Tran Inventory Published: 5/16/20 Hits: 589

Standard Delivery Time

In order to define the delivery time, you have to know three things:

  • Customer Lead Time: That is the time you promise to your customer for a delivery. It corresponds to the average delay between the confirmation of the customer order and the delivery of the finished goods. It can be defined in the product form, in the Sales tab. This time will be influenced by the Manufacturing Lead Time and the Delivery Lead Time.
  • Manufacturing Lead Time: This is the time you need to produce one unit of a product. If this product needs other sub-products, the different manufacturing times will be summed. It can also be defined in the product form, in the Procurements tab.
  • Delivery Lead Time: This is the time your supplier needs to deliver the goods. This delay can be defined in the product form in the Procurements tab in last line.

For example, if we have to deliver some products to a customer in a month (in 30 days). You promise to deliver the goods to the customer within 10 days, the manufacturing time is equal to 4 days and our suppliers deliver the raw materials within 3 days.

According to those numbers, we will have to start the process in 23 days if we have to order raw materials.

Schedule Logistic Flows according to MRP1 Rules

MRP is a software-based production, planning and inventory control system used to manage the manufacturing process.

It is a computer-based system in which the given Master Schedule is exploded with Bills Of Material, into the required amount of raw material, parts and subassemblies needed to produce the final products in each period.

Managing Inventory Reconciliation

Inventory reconciliation involves two steps: physical and accounting.

Physical inventory steps include taking a written inventory record and comparing it to the actual goods in the company’s warehouses. Counting obsolete and damaged products is also a reconciliation activity.

Reconciliation steps on the accounting side include verification that all inventory purchases are posted, entering adjustments from the physical count and analysing the dollar differences between months. Inventory reconciliation frequency depends on the size, location, and type of inventory in a company’s operations.

You can also create or edit reports with OpenOffice using the base_report_designer module.

In order to add the extension to OpenOffice, load this module and start the configuration. A new window will ask you to Save As a file that contains the extension.

Once you have saved the file, start OpenOffice and go to Tools > Extension Manager, then click Add and select the previously saved file. Restart OpenOffice.org and now you have the extension installed.

report creator openoffice

Extension to Create a Report in OpenOffice