Leo Tran Network Organization Published: 5/16/20 Hits: 874

The event module allows you to efficiently organise events and all related tasks: planification, registration tracking, attendances, etc. Preparing and managing internal and external events becomes straight-forward with this new App.

It covers the life cycle of a typical event:

  • definition/description of the event,
  • the planning,
  • sending invitations and subscription confirmations,
  • registering event attendance,
  • automated verification of required min/max seat registrations.

Start with fresh demo database and install event module. Also give access rights of Technical features to user , from menu Settings > Users > Users.

Event Type

There are many types of events in business like Seminar, Exhibition, Conference, Training etc. You can create these type of event from menu Marketing > Configuration > Events > Type of Events and click on Create.

event type 

Create an Event Type

The fields of this form are :

  • Default Reply-To: The email address of the organizer which is put in the 'Reply-To' of all emails sent automatically at event or registrations confirmation. You can also put your email address of your mail gateway if you use one.
  • Default Minimum registration: It will select this default minimum value when you choose this event.
  • Default Maximum registration: It will select this default maximum value when you choose this event.
  • Event Confirmation mail: It will select this default confirmation event mail value when you choose this event.
  • Registration Confirmation Email: It will select this default confirmation registration mail value when you choose this event.

Event and Registration

You can start your event creation from menu Marketing > Events > Events, and click on Create.

event new

Create an Event

Give the name of an Event , select location when you want to create event , select event type if you want, For example you select conference event , Registration Confirmation Email and Event Confirmation Email automatically filled in Email Details tab , if it is already defined in its type of event, but you can change it as per your need.

The second tab of Event form is Description, you can define the Description of the event.

After complete the form you can save it. It will in Unconfirmed state. After click on Confirm Event button, the state will be in Confirmed.

You can create its Registration by clicking button Registration on the right side of the form.

registration new

Create a Registration

You have to enter the Partner name, Number of Participants , Phone number and email. Once you complete the form, save it. This Participate automatically comes in the first tab Registration of Event form.

event reg tab copy

Registration tab

You can see the all Registration list from Marketing > Events > Registrations.

registration list

Registration list

You can see the different status of Registration , when you create Registration for an event , it is in Unconfirmed state , after clicking on Confirm button , it will be in Confirmed state.

Once Event is start, you can click on Attended the Event procees button from the first tab Registrations of Event form, after attending an event, Registration state will go in Attended state.