Leo Tran Document Management Published: 5/16/20 Hits: 743

The first configuration step is to create a directory structure that will be used to classify your document set. You can use the structure automatically proposed by Odoo ERPOnline from the menu Knowledge > Configuration > Document Management > Directories' Structure.

document structure

Structure of directories when the document module has been installed

In addition to the usual access to documents through OpenERP, you will be able to connect to them directly through the file system using the FTP protocol.

To connect to the FTP server, go to your home directory (root) of your machine, and enter the path , for example : ftp://admin@localhost>:8021, after entering this path , it will ask for the password, enter the password of your database. Figure seems like following :

ftp server

Connecting to ftp server

These comments about an FTP server may appear a bit technical, but it is just a general standard for getting hold of files without worrying too much about the platform (Windows, Mac, Linux, or other Unix-like system). So FTP is just a way of getting access to files without needing to use an Odoo ERPOnline client. There could have been other ways, but FTP proved itself to the developers to be the one that performed best at lowest cost.

After entering password ,once you are connected using FTP, you get to the root of a directory for the document management system. Once you enter that directory you find a structure that matches the structure defined in Odoo ERPOnline.

It will seems like following figure:

document ftp structure tree

Tree structure of document after connecting ftp server