Submit Approval Requests to get approved
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What it does
This module is a base for the development of other approval modules: Procurement approval, Maintenance approval, Timesheet approval, Overtime Approval
- Manager can create approval types with multiple approvers.
- Employee can create approval requests.
- Team leader can see the request of their own employees.
- Followers who are usual employees can only see the request.
Key Features
- When the employee clicks the confirm button, a notification message will be sent to the next approver.
- Request approval will be reviewed and approved in sequence by those on the list of approvers
- Request approval is in accepted state if the number of approvers is equal to or greater than the minimum number of consents which must include those marked "required".
- Request approval is in decline if at least one person is marked "required" to reject, or the number of rejected votes is greater than the number reviewers minus the minimum
- When the request is done, a notification message will be sent to the employee who created it.
- If the request is refused, a notification message will be sent to the employee who created it.
Supported Editions
- Community Edition
- Enterprise Edition