Docs BG

David Tran CRM Hits: 1,422

In Odoo, you can manage several sales teams, departments or channels with specific sales processes. To do so, we use the concept of Sales Team.

Create a new sales team

To create a new Sales Team, go to Configuration --> Sales Team.

There you can set an email alias to it. Every message sent to that email address will create a lead/opportunity.

Add members to your sales team

You can add members to any team; that way those members will see the pipeline structure of the sales team when opening it. Any lead/opportunity assigned to them will link to the sales team. Therefore, you can only be a member of one team.

This will ease the process review of the team manager.


If you now filter on this specific channel in your pipeline, you will find all of its opportunities.


Sales team reports

To see the operations and results of any sales channel at a glance, the sales manager also has access to the Sales--> Reporting-->Sales