

Leo Tran Manufacturing Published: 5/16/20 Hits: 1,266

Using Bills of Materials Bills of Materials are documents that describe the list of raw materials used to make a finished product. To illustrate the concept of specification, you will work on a shelf (or cabinet) where the manufacturing plan is given by the figure Plan of Construction of a Shelf. Plan of Construction of a Shelf The shelf is assembled from raw materials and intermediate asse...

Leo Tran Manufacturing Published: 5/16/20 Hits: 870

Work Centers Work centers represent units of production, capable of doing material transformation operations. You can distinguish two types of work centers: machines and human resources. Work centers are units of production consisting of one or several people and/or machines that can be considered as a unit for the purpose of forecasting capacity and planning. Use the menu Manufacturing > Con...

Leo Tran Manufacturing Published: 5/16/20 Hits: 1,501

Once the bills of materials have been defined, Odoo ERPOnline is capable of automatically deciding on the manufacturing route according to the needs of the company. Production orders can be proposed automatically by the system depending on several criteria described in the preceding chapter: Using the Make to Order route, Using the Order Point (Minimum Stock) rules, Using the Production plan...

Leo Tran Manufacturing Published: 5/16/20 Hits: 671

Manufacturing Stock Locations Odoo ERPOnline allows you to define a specific location to keep track of your manufacturing moves. To get an overview of all stock moves, go to Warehouse > Traceability > Stock Moves. You can enter your Production location in the search field and then group by Source or Destination according to the moves you would like to check. Traceability With traceability yo...

Leo Tran Manufacturing Published: 5/16/20 Hits: 1,604

The management of repairs is carried out through the module mrp_repair. Once installed, this module adds a new Manufacturing > Manufacturing > Repair Orders menu under the Manufacturing menu to create repair jobs and review repairs in progress. To install this module, Go to menu menu Settings > Configuration > Manufacturing in Order, tick Manage repairs of products. In Odoo ERPOnline, a repair...

Leo Tran Manufacturing Published: 5/16/20 Hits: 852

Scheduler The requirements scheduler is the calculation engine which plans and prioritises production and purchasing automatically according to the rules defined on products. By default, the scheduler is set to run once a day (Odoo ERPOnline automatically creates a Scheduled Action for this). You can also start the scheduler manually from the menu Warehouse > Schedulers > Run Schedulers. The sche...

Leo Tran Manufacturing Published: 5/16/20 Hits: 729

In Odoo ERPOnline, you can also subcontract production operations (for example, painting and item assembly) at a supplier's. To do this, you should indicate on the relevant routing document a supplier location for stock management. Configure a location dedicated to this supplier with the following data: Location Type: Supplier, Location Address: Select an address of the subcontracting partn...

Leo Tran Manufacturing Published: 5/16/20 Hits: 590

In Odoo ERPOnline, you can define several bills of materials for the same product. In fact, you can have several manufacturing methods or several approved raw materials for a given product. You will see in the following section that the manufacturing procedure (the routing) is attached to the Bill of Materials, so the choice of bill of materials implicitly includes the operations to make it. Once...

Leo Tran Manufacturing Published: 5/16/20 Hits: 654

In Odoo ERPOnline, you can handle three types of goods: two types of products (Stockable or Consumable products) and one type of services. For this last category, Odoo ERPOnline can react in two different ways. Once a manufacturing order is generated for a product and this product contains a Service, a task can be automatically generated or not. In order to automatically generate a task, you ha...